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2024 Summer Concert Series and Movie Nights


Please visit the 2024 Event Line-Up Page for a detailed listing of events and times. 

FREE Zumba in the Park

WHERE | Emmaus Community Park                  Sam Landis Arts Pavilion

WHEN | Saturdays 8:45 AM; 
           Tuesdays and Thursdays
           6 PM until September

Starting April 8th, 2023!
Bring lots of energy and a water bottle. You are in for an awesome workout! 

Zumba @ Faith Presbyterian Church
N. Second & Cherokee Streets
 Emmaus, PA 18049 
Office: 610-967-5600


Interested in volunteering as a

member of the Emmaus Recreation

and Entertainment Commission?

Complete an application and send it by mail or email to Shane Pepe, 

Emmaus Borough Manager.

Please note borough hall's temporary address for mail:

420 S 10th Street, Emmaus PA 18049 or request more info:

Do you have an idea?

Do you have an an idea for a community event you would like to see implemented in the borough? We would love to hear from you. Send us an email at, or you can also attend our public meetings. For 2021, the commission will meet on the last Wednesday of the month at 5 pm. For now our meetings will be held virtually for everyone's safety, and the zoom link can be found here on the borough's meeting and event calendar. 


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